Be apart of Spring Bloom!
We are pleased to invite you to Spring Bloom at Flinchbaugh’s Orchard – an outdoor pop-up vendor shopping experience to welcome the beauty of the spring season!
With nature coming alive before our eyes, we look forward to showcasing our orchards in bloom and your artistic wares. In addition, we are looking forward to wine and brews, fresh flowers, live music, multiple photo opportunities and expanded offerings of flavorful food concessions.
Below you will find information on how to apply for a vendor space at the Market.
The show is held Saturday, May 10 10a-4p (rain or shine) at Flinchbaugh's Orchard & Farm Market (110 Ducktown Rd Hellam, PA 17406).
- Please complete vendor application below. To create a unique shopping experience, this is a vetted show and does require approval. An approval or disapproved email will be sent to you within 7 days of your application submission.
- At this time, we are not accepting independent consultant businesses.
- The following items are not accepted: manufactured items, traditional apple cider, donuts, cocoa bombs, chocolate covered strawberries, garden plants, cookies kits and caramel apples.